This “Make Your Own” floor tiles occupation based kit has the user manipulate and arrange 1-square foot vinyl peel and stick floor tiles for multiple purposes in therapy sessions. Therapists access a website to select between many specific activities to address a wide variety of goals. The first step for the therapist is to obtain and prepare 3 sets of 12 specific tiles according to instructions.
Physical Goals: (dynamic sitting/standing balance, functional mobility, UE range of motion, using a reacher)
Visual Perceptual: goals (scanning, visual discrimination, pattern recognition)
Sequencing: (numbers, letters, patterns)
Socialization: (turn taking, initiating conversation, increasing group participation)
Cognitive: (worksheets involving calculating, visual spatial planning, money management)
Materials Needed (provide your own):
12 Black Vinyl (Peel and Stick) Floor Tiles 12″x12″
12 White Vinyl (Peel and Stick) Floor Tiles 12″x12″
12 Beige Vinyl (Peel and Stick) Floor Tiles 12″x12″
Carrying bag for tiles (21 lbs)
Optional: Tarp to cover floor to keep tiles cleaner
$17.00 (online access)